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#1. Never embark on a relationship journey with someone who is going nowhere. If you are already in such relationship without a purpose, disembark immediately.

#2. It is not all relationship that will eventually lead to marriage. Once you notice the red flags, disappear. A physically or verbally abusive relationship is not worth staying. You might become frustrated or die untimely in marriage

#3. It is good to hang out with your partner. It is good to visit the malls, cinemas, eateries, beach, swimming pools etc. But discussing the vision of the relationship is ultimate. Your partner must be ready to help you fulfil your vision. If not, you will likely end up as a housewife or a man who is a loner

#4. Stop keeping two or more partners at the same time. It's better you channel your energy into one. Keeping multiple partners might end you with the worst

#5. Everything is worth discussing in a relationship. Do not leave any stone unturned. In discussing your past, weakness or secrets, apply wisdom

#6. If a brother or a sister has been hanging around you for a long time and cares so much about you but you have no single feeling for him or her. Define the relationship and communicate it to him/her immediately

#7. If his or her commitment in the relationship is at abysmal. The phone lock is quadratic equation. Makes private calls. Dealing with some dangerous habits etc. Please find your square root. Give other people a chance

#8. If at 30 you have not been approached by a man or you have never dated a lady. And you are neither a Monk or a Nun. You need some counsel. How many years is now remaining to live?

#9. Two people in a relationship are not yet married. Cohabitation is a No. Spending weekends is a No. Sex is a No. Uphold your integrity. It is called see finish and disregarding if your partner is asking for your nude and asking you to sextext at this age of social media insecurity. Do not be a mugu. Let us just do it only once. I will use your laps. Oya let me put only the tip or cap. Show me some love. After that once, it will become often. If kissing is not enough, let him go

#10. The man is not your ATM machine. You are only two different people trying to become one. Stop putting all your family bill upon him. Everytime you ask him for transport fare. You are always flashing. Boxer and singlet is the only gift you give him on his birthday. It is not cool at all. You should upgrade. You can sponsor the next outing

#11. Keep your relationship life offline. Whether good, bad, sweet or ugly. Keep it between you and your partner alone except you are seeing a counsellor or a mentor. Does your boyfriend have a bank account? Does he do business? Has he gained financial independence? If not that should be his goal. Why about you? What do you do for a living?

#12. Why some of you might never marry is because you are destroying other people's homes. You are sleeping with a married man or woman. Why some of you might never marry is because they want someone from their church, tribe or profession. Some want a perfect man or lady. Remember you will marry an Angel. Work on his or her imperfections

#13. It is possible the relationship ends badly. This should not make you enemies. Do not publicize the secrets you both shared. Be mature. Once you are done with your Ex. Stay far away from him or her. Delete the memories so that you can concentrate on your new relationship

#14. Do not follow the society. If the right man or lady has not come, wait or work your way through it. Do not force yourself into a relationship or marriage that you are not sure of. Do not marry someone because he is a pastor, a doctor, a business mogul or a celebrity. Marry the person because you love the person.

#15. You have been sitting at the front seat of his car for over two years of relationship but you still do not know how to drive. Well done Miss love. It is already two years. He finds it difficult to introduce you to his family. You don't feel free introducing him to your friends. Una two dey joke

#16. It is okay for parents, clergy, counsellors, Friends, and mentors to advice. But the final choice is yours. You are responsible for the choice you make. Be careful and prayerful

#17. Do not bore your relationship. It is okay to take out some time to pray and fast about it. But this should not be the only routine. There is a place for fun, games, knowledge, outing etc

#18. Instead of taking your girl or guy to a club to see unclad strippers, drink and smoke to stupor. Take him or her to swimming lessons, French or music class, driving tutorials, ICT and IELTS classes

#19. Take out a day in a week or a month to straighten the rough areas. Focus might be on how to improve on shabby dressing, excessive talking, short temper, keeping late night, drinking, smoking, bad grammar, etc

#20. It is ideal to be yourself in a relationship but that does not stop you from improving on yourself. Being obess doesn't mean that you become undesirable....keep fit and still look amazingly so.

Nurse Gee