How to Stop Yourself From Crying

Here are some practical techniques to help stop yourself from crying when you feel overwhelmed by emotions:

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1. Take Deep Breaths

Slow, deep breathing can help calm your nervous system and prevent tears from flowing. Focus on taking long, controlled inhales through your nose and slow exhales through your mouth. This helps regulate your emotional response.

2. Blink Rapidly 

Blinking quickly can help disperse tears and prevent them from building up in your eyes. This can buy you a little time to regain control over your emotions.

3. Tense and Relax Your Muscles 

Tightening and then relaxing your muscles can distract your body from crying. Focus on clenching your fists, tightening your legs, or curling your toes to divert attention away from your emotions.

4. Pinch or Gently Bite Yourself

A mild, physical sensation like pinching yourself on the palm or biting the inside of your lip can distract your brain from the emotional trigger, helping you regain control and prevent crying.

5. Look Up

Tilting your head slightly upward can stop tears from falling because it helps prevent tears from pooling in your eyes. It also gives you a moment to reset emotionally.

6. Focus on an Object

Find something to focus on in your environment, like a piece of furniture, a plant, or even your hand. Concentrate on its color, shape, or details. This form of distraction can shift your focus away from the emotions causing you to cry.

7. Change Your Environment

If possible, excuse yourself and go to a different location, like a restroom or a quiet place, where you can take a few moments to breathe and collect yourself. Sometimes, a change in environment helps break the emotional intensity.

8. Engage in Mental Distraction

Use your mind to engage in a task that requires focus, like doing simple math in your head, recalling a list, or thinking about something factual (like memorizing song lyrics). This can shift your brain from emotional processing to logical thinking.

9. Press Your Tongue to the Roof of Your Mouth

Pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth can help suppress the reflex to cry. It gives you something physical to concentrate on and can sometimes interrupt the urge to cry.

10. Talk to Yourself Gently

Remind yourself that it's okay to feel emotional, but also that you're in control. Mentally coach yourself through the moment by thinking phrases like, "I can handle this," or "I’ll get through this."

Remember: Crying is a natural emotional release and sometimes, it’s important to allow yourself to cry rather than suppressing it. If you feel the need to cry in private, allow yourself the space and time to process those emotions once you're in a safe and comfortable environment.