8 Things You Never Should Have Said To Pregnant Wife

Here are 8 things you should never say to your pregnant wife:

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1. "Are you sure you should be eating that?"

  • Why it's wrong: Pregnancy is a sensitive time for a woman’s body and choices. Commenting on what she eats can feel judgmental, adding unnecessary pressure. Pregnant women already have enough restrictions on their diets.

2. "You look tired"

  • Why it's wrong: Telling someone they look tired often implies that they don't look good. Pregnancy can be exhausting, and pointing it out can make her feel worse. Instead, offer to help or simply be understanding of her fatigue.

3. "My mom says you should..."

  • Why it's wrong: While advice from well-meaning family members can be helpful, making comparisons or implying that your mother’s advice is superior can be dismissive of your wife’s experience or preferences.

4. "Pregnancy isn’t an excuse"

  • Why it's wrong: Pregnancy is physically and emotionally demanding. Minimizing what she’s going through with comments like this can make her feel unsupported and invalidated.

5. "Wow, you're huge!"

  • Why it's wrong: Even if it's said with humor, comments about her body size during pregnancy can be hurtful. Many women feel sensitive about their changing bodies, and focusing on physical changes can harm their self-esteem.

6. "Is it okay if I go out tonight?"

  • Why it's wrong: Pregnancy is often a time when emotional support is crucial. Asking to go out frequently, especially if it leaves her feeling alone, may come across as neglectful.

7. "It can't be that bad"

  • Why it's wrong: Dismissing her discomfort can make her feel like you don't understand or care about what she’s going through. Pregnancy involves a wide range of physical and emotional challenges that deserve empathy.

8. "You’re so hormonal"

  • Why it's wrong: Blaming her mood or emotions on hormones can feel like you're disregarding her feelings. Instead, approach her with kindness and understanding, recognizing that pregnancy can heighten emotional sensitivity.


Being mindful of what you say to your pregnant wife is crucial in offering her the emotional support she needs during such a significant time. Instead of focusing on physical changes or minimizing her experience, try offering help, understanding, and encouragement.

For further advice on supporting your pregnant spouse, Psychology Today and Mayo Clinic provide helpful relationship resources.